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Gaia's Oneness Grid
From the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid 

According to several gifted Lightworkers and Mother Gaia, Gaia’s Oneness Grid (of Divine Feminine & Divine Masculine energetics coming together into One) was deeply amplified due to the 1000 Goddesses Gathering & Global Grid on October 20, 2018. The amplification was catalyzed by the high ceremony on the Washington Mall linked with the significant network of Sacred Circles (77 groups, plus) in the Global Unified Field. This activation was needed to boost the Ascension process here on our Sacred Earth.

Initially it was thought that the Global Grid was going to activate the Planetary Divine Feminine Energetic Grid, but Spirit took the spiritual energies to a more auspicious place.

Two days after the 1000 Goddesses Gathering & Global Grid weekend, Mother Gaia and the Spiritual Council downloaded in Mare a Visualization-Activation that individuals and groups can do to keep the Global energies that we activated that weekend amplified in a strong, ongoing way.

Butterfly Maiden (c) Claudia Olivos. Used by Permission 

Mare has been instructed to make this Gaia’s Oneness Grid Visualization-Activation available to support Mother Gaia and the Rising of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energies to the place of coming into Oneness here on our most Sacred Earth. 




The beauty of knowing we are all connected via the Unified Field of our spiritual work means we can all be Luminous Love Nodes for this Grid, as individuals and sacred circles. And, collectively, we can keep this Grid energetically heightened in a profound way to support the full birthing of the New Earth coming in now.


Know that this visualization-activation will not only cleanse your energy body but also activate it to be more connected with Mother Gaia and a significant Spiritual Council which she sits on in the Spirit realms. It is rather healing in other ways too.


Once a month we gather on the Spiritual Planes to do the Visualization – Activation, on the 2nd Wednesday of every month from your own sacred space either alone or in sacred circles - at whatever time is conducive for you.


Reminders about these monthly Gaia Oneness Grid Spirit Plane Sessions are occasionally sent out via Mare's newsletter. You may subscribe to her newsletter here to receive the updates.

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