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About the Great Mother Love Way
& Mother Gaia's Spiritual Directive to
Organize the 1000 Goddesses Gathering


The Great Mother Love Way (501(c)3) is in service to the Great Mother immersing our Sacred Earth in ever-expanding Divine Love!  It creates programs and events to help humanity wake up to the truth that we are part of a sacred sentient Earth. Mother Gaia yearns for us to remember her and that her Love for us is tremendous.  She is calling for us to come Home, and heal into our true place on the planet. 




The inspiration behind the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid was a clear directive from Mother Gaia and a greater Divine Feminine Spiritual Council received by Gaia Mystic* & High Priestess, Healer & Author, Mare Cromwell, (Founder & Director of the Great Mother Love Way) in the fall of 2015. Mare has surrendered to serve this Council, which includes Mother Gaia, Mother Mary and other powerful Divine Feminine deities, most of whom are not known here on Earth, to help birth the New Earth coming in presently.


Mare has studied with Native American teachers for 26 years along with other spiritual mentors. Several prominent Native American elders have confirmed Mare's rapport with Mother Gaia to be rather close.* Other cosmic shamans have confirmed her relationship with this Council also.

The first Gathering was held on the Washington Mall in October of 2016 after Mother Gaia woke Mare up at 5am in late July 2016 and informed her that the Gathering needed to happen in Washington D.C. before the 2016 USA elections. At the time, Mare was planning to organize it for 2017 as a weekend retreat. The next Gathering was also on the Washington Mall in Oct, 2018, with a number of satellite ceremonies held around the world on the same day.


During each of these Gatherings of High Ceremony on the Washington Mall, several gifted Lightworkers witnessed a massive conduit of White Light coming into the center of the ceremony and the ground there become activated with it, and the energy rippled out from there into the heart of Washington D.C. to clear denser energies. Mare realized with this activation that this is why these ceremonies were called by Mother Gaia to be organized there within the capital of the USA.
In late fall 2018, Mare was given the spiritual instructions that she no longer needed to organize another event on the Washington Mall. Yet the Spiritual Council wished to have annual 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grids continue to be organized as Unified Fields of planetary healinghelp usher in full Ascension here on our Sacred Earth. 


Note: This Spiritual Council which includes Mother Gaia and the Virgin Mary are introduced in the Gaia's Oneness Grid Activation.

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Malihatwa Gwen Therrien, Oct 2020, British Columbia. Photo courtesy of Malihatwa.

The Greater Purpose of the Global Grid is to bring forth the Divine Feminine (feminine archetypal energies of wisdom, compassion, innocence and more) to help us heal our greatly imbalanced world. There have been so many ecumenical events focused on the Great Father and this event is not to deny the role of the masculine aspect of the Great Mystery.

​The overarching goal of the Global Grid is to create a powerful Unified Field of ceremonies to truly anchor the Divine Feminine into the heart of our Sacred Earth. Another goal of the Grid is to bring in healing energies to ultimately return Sacred Balance between the feminine and masculine back into our world.

This Wisdom and Compassion Gathering is founded on the ancient tradition of Wisdom Gatherings where elders come together around Sacred Fire in council to tune into the wisdom of the fire, and teach to maintain peace and balance in their village.

*Several rather gifted Native Elders have confirmed that Mare is working closely with Mother Gaia. Rainbow Thunder Heart/

Bennie LeBeau, a prominent Shoshone elder called her the "Voice of Earth Mother". Another highly esteemed Hawaiian elder, Woody Vaspra, told Mare that her work with Mother Gaia is in the prophecies -- not her name but that someone would be surrendering to Mother to this level to get Mother's messages out via books and events, etc.


Mare speaks with Cherie Burton of the Soul Rose show on "Healing the Patriarchal Wound with Mother Gaia", April 2024.

An Interview with Mare on
"Goddess Rising: Awakening the Divine Feminine" published in Spirituality and Health Magazine, May, 2017.


An August 2016 interview with Mare by Natalie Ledwell of about the 1000 Goddesses Gathering.

Mare shares about the
1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid
​with Dr. Cheryl Scheurer on Aug 6th, 2020.
Mare talks about her evolving relationship with "The Goddess" ​with Schumet Horsfield in December, 2020.
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