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Forest Path

Join the
Unified Field

Beautiful Sisters & Brothers,
The Spiritual Call is for Sacred Events with the Standing Ones/Trees across the world to be held, including ceremony, on Saturday, November 2, 2024. We shall reach out to the Trees with Love and connect with them spiritually. If we are doing ceremony, we shall invoke our Spirit Teams to support us. We will invite our local trees, all part of the Global Tree Grid, to link up together energetically that day or weekend. We will be weaving our Sacred Earth with Divine Feminine Compassion and Joy, held by the great Love of the Tree People. 
If you would like to organize an event, know that your group can be small or large. Even just two people doing an event or ceremony together can be a powerful ritual. Or you may wish to do your event/ceremony solo also, which is very welcome too.

1. Please
REGISTER your ceremony with us HERE and let us know if it is public or private. We would like all groups or even individuals to register so we can track all the nodes in the Global Grid.  (There is the option of registering for free or making a - sliding scale - donation when you register to help us cover our organizing expenses. Also 15% of the registration income will go to directly support Rainforest Protection in the Amazon.)
2. Consider making a donation to help support our organizing efforts. There are significant costs, time and energy to organizing this GLOBAL GRID. You can contribute via our DONATION Page. Funds go to the Great Mother Love Way non-profit, the organization behind the 1000 Goddesses Gathering.
3. Explore the Ceremony Suggestions HERE

4. Please spiritually connect your event/ceremony into the Global Grid of events/ceremonies and also to the Heart of Mother Gaia. There is a strong call from Her that all connect with Her in the center of the planet from within their sacred circles to help deeply ground and amplify the Global Grid. The healing
Mother's Love Cord Connection Meditation was specifically designed to connect you to Mother Gaia's Heart in a significant way.

5. If you are doing ceremony, you are encouraged to invite those embodying the Divine Masculine to join you to help hold sacred space, as an outer circle to your ceremony as you are guided. Know that this is an invitation for your group to consider. (Mother Gaia is calling on the Divine Masculine to AWAKEN and be present and supportive of the New Earth manifesting now in all aspects of their lives, as we awaken the Oneness energetics more and more within our Sacred Earth.)

We are more powerful than we realize, and a Unified Field of events including deep ceremony is incredibly potent. We can bring the love and light and healing in by energetically linking up globally! Doing it with pure hearts and a sense of fun, makes it even more powerful. We can do it! (We already are doing it, actually, and Mother Gaia wants us to amp it up.  ;~) )
Thank you and huge LOVE from the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Love Team!

Source of Photo: Wix 

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