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 A Unified Field of Events
1000 Goddesses Gathering
& The Global Tree Grid 

The Spiritual Call guiding the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid in 2024 is to have individuals and Sacred Circles dotting our beautiful Earth creating a cohesive matrix of events, including sacred ceremonies, connected with the Global Tree Grid during the weekend of November 2nd, 2024.


This Global Grid is a form of Subtle Activism amplifying Divine Feminine attributes of Compassion, Kindness, and Sophia wisdom in partnership with the Standing Ones/Trees healing energies and call for Sacred Balance and Oneness -- to help release the Drama/Trauma on our planet.

If you are planning to organize an event or be involved on your own in your region, there is more information HERE on the steps we suggest for registering and more.

All of the public and private events will be put on the map on the HOME PAGE. You are most welcome to contact the organizer of a public event near you to join them!

By joining this Global Grid you are helping to birth our New Earth of Hope, Balance, Compassion, Sustainability, Justice and the Honoring of All Life.

Thank you for hearing the call!

Artist Unknown

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