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Sponsorship Invitation

For any business or organization seeking to reach out
to spiritually conscious women and men, sponsorship of this Global Grid will exemplify your commitment
to the Rising of 
the Divine Feminine & 
considerably boost your visibility!

The 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid is an annual call to action to elevate the Luminous Love energetics of our Sacred Earth. 


Through a powerful Unified Field of ceremonies, we manifest significant Divine Feminine healing energies to support all beings during these intense times and further the Birthing of our New Earth.


The Great Mother is calling us…

Do you hear her?


Mother Gaia and humanity are going through significant shifts right now.


We are being asked to be significant pillars of Divine Feminine presence, grounding into Mother Gaia’s Womb-Heart and amplifying her Oneness Grid on October 21, 2023.


This activated grid of Oneness energetics will ripple throughout the physical and multi-dimensional realms catalyzed by ceremonies taking place all over the globe, calling in and anchoring much needed compassion, balance, harmony, and peace within the human realms – to extend into all the realms on Earth.


The 1000 Goddesses Gathering Unified Field of ceremonies is based upon a Tibetan prophecy that states that when 1000 Goddesses or Buddhist Taras gather, the Divine Feminine will rebirth through their combined energies, and the tone of the planet shall shift from Fear to Compassion.


The co-hosts for this 2023 Global Grid are Gaia Mystic & High Priestess, Mare Cromwell of “The Great Mother Love Way”, and Shamanic Womb Healer Emmi Mutale of “Feminine Revered”. 



Theme for 2023

The Spiritual Invitation in 2023 is for us to call on Grandmother Spider to support us in energetically weaving our Global Field of ceremonies into a significant Unified Field. 

We will weave together as One in a Global Grid with Mother Gaia's Womb-Heart. Within this intertwining of hearts and womb hearts and rituals, we shall affirm our Connection with the Womb of Creation in the Universal Realms – to anchor more Luminous Love world-wide!


The 2023 event builds on the 1000 Goddesses Gatherings & Global Grids of 2016 - 2022, and is a profound container for the rising Divine Feminine. 


Future generations are waiting for us to

step forward to activate the way forward.

Will you?



Oshun High Priestess, Doyin Latavia Jones, 

Oct, 2020, Washington Mall.

Why Sponsor the

1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid? 


With over 200 sacred ceremonies taking place all over the world, an expected 30,000+ hits on the website before, during and after the event, and a combined reach of over 150,000 people through email and social media promotion by the organizers and others, this is an opportunity to significantly boost your visibility, and reach a diverse group of like-minded women and men globally. 


Higher level sponsors will also be recognized in the emails announcing the Global Grid and on the Facebook event page (which receives significant traffic).


By supporting this spiritually significant event you will be expressing a deep commitment to the higher purpose of assisting Gaia by further activating the Divine Feminine energies on Earth, so needed at this time to heal our beleaguered planet. 


Mother is calling for powerful ceremonies all over the world serving her Highest Good for Divine Plan Alignment (along with many other actions of healing) to clear denser energies which have blocked the full fruition of Ascension, which has been within Earth’s original Divine Blueprint from its inception. Starting in 2016, she requested that the 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid be organized to boost the higher spiritual frequencies on Earth. And each year various Cosmic Shamans continue to confirm the potency of this Unified Field of ceremonies.



Will you answer the call with us!



Glastonbury, U.K., Ceremony, 2020

Former Sponsors have included the “Sacred Feminine Mystery School” (Amrita Grace), Celestial Forest Institute (Kathy Forest), “Joy on Your Shoulders” (Joy Resor), “Your

Stellar Self” (Mary Kearns), and

other beautiful Goddesses!

Who is Eligible to Sponsor the Grid? 


Any business, organization or individual seeking to support the rise of the Divine Feminine and wishing to reach out to spiritually conscious women and men globally. 


Sponsorship will fund the following expenses:


• Website and E-Newsletter Support - $1150

• Administrative expenses - $4900

• Video Production - $950



Sponsorship Levels:


Rose: $575

  • Large Logo (and option of 20 words description) with live link on website homepage.

  • Four mentions on Facebook permanent page (with logo and description) and link to your organization

  • Four mentions on Facebook event page (with logo and description) and link to your organization

  • Three mentions with Logo and live link in 1000 Goddesses Gathering Global Grid newsletters

  • Mention on the Eventbrite Page with Live Link and description.


Dahlia: $375

  • Medium Logo with live link on website homepage.

  • Two mentions on Facebook permanent page (with logo and description) and link to your organization.

  • Two mentions on Facebook event page (with logo and description) and link to your organization.

  • Mention on the Eventbrite Page with Live Link and description.


Daisy (for Authors & Artists): $125


Contact Mare Cromwell, Global Grid Co-Webweaver,

directly HERE for more information.  Thank you!

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